About Us

Qualified Legal Attorneys
Over 30 Years of Experience


Diverse Staff

Meet Our Team


To me, being full-service and client-centered is not a cliché. It is something that I have spent a lot of time thinking about and executing. I offer my clients the best of all worlds. We are well-staffed so there is always a friendly and knowledgeable person to help you with your day-to-day needs that occur within the course of a case. On the other hand, I meet with every one of my clients. I have been practicing law since 1987 and have personally handled thousands of accident cases, personal bankruptcies, and tax returns. I know how to make deals. I know how to fight and I know when each is the better course. For any case within my practice areas, I either know what you need or I know how to figure it out. I know how to get the best result from your point of view with the least amount of grief and aggravation to you. The success of my practice speaks to the truth of this statement.

I am not from Lowell or even New England, yet no one handles more Lowell motor vehicle accidents than I do. Nobody in the City of Lowell files more bankruptcy petitions than I do. I have represented roughly ten thousand injured victims of motor vehicle accidents. I have successfully navigated thousands of people through bankruptcy. I have built a tax practice that enables us to do everything from the simplest individual tax return to full-service business bookkeeping and tax filings, audit defense, and the like. I am a Certified Acceptance Agent and a member of the Tax Court Bar. I do not believe that anybody else in this area offers the variety or quality of services that I do, and yet I am priced like a plain vanilla tax preparer with no credentials. Our success rate on the immigration side of the practice is extraordinary.

I am told that when writing something like this it is important to pick your niche. I do not accept that. I believe that it is possible to do it all, to be fast, to be friendly, to be affordable, and to be the best at everything that you set out to do. On the accident side, we do attain the best settlements in the least amount of time necessary, with all of the ancillary matters taken care of such as medical bills, vehicle rentals, and the like. On the bankruptcy side, no one with my experience and success rate charges fees as low as mine. My clients get through the process with the minimal amount of aggravation to them possible. On preparing personal tax returns, we promise new clients from H&R Block, Jackson Hewitt, and Liberty Tax Service that our fees will not be more than half of what they were paying while getting them the largest refund the law allows. I have rarely had to reduce my fee to honor this guarantee, and yet I am a full-service lawyer providing all of the services and expertise that come with that title. On the immigration side, our record of success in the Immigration Court is unrivaled, and yet I am charging the same as what a lawyer with a fraction of my experience and nothing approaching my education and training would be charging. I do all of this while surrounding myself with a friendly and knowledgeable staff capable of taking on each of the subcomponents of what I am offering and doing it as well as I do. This is unsurprising because I trained them myself. I work harder than everyone else. During tax season, I will work ninety straight days. I consider a fifty-hour workweek to be part-time. Beyond that, I even have an educational pedigree that is unmatched having graduated from Brandeis University Magna CumLaude, in 1983 and I received my law degree from the University of Virginia School of Law, a perennial top ten law school in 1987.

I have been with the Law Office of Louis S. Haskell since 1997, after practicing personal injury law elsewhere in the City of Lowell.  My practice focuses on automobile accident and personal injury litigation. I am an aggressive and hard-charging trial lawyer and I do not settle cases. My job is to make the insurance companies call Attorney Haskell and beg him to settle the case.


Franklin Pierce School of Law

Juris Doctor (1992)


Sasikarn has worked full-time for the Law Office of Louis S Haskell since 1994. She is the office manager responsible for all of the administrative details within the office. She helps to supervise and assist where needed on the accident, immigration, and bankruptcy files. However, her main function is to make sure that Attorney Haskell is always working hard. Sasikarn speaks Cambodian, Lao, and Thai and some  Spanish, Mandarin and French.


Blondie has been with Attorney Haskell since 2008. Before that, she worked as a claims adjuster for Liberty Mutual Insurance Company for 25 years. Apparently, after fighting with Attorney Haskell for 20 years or so, she decided it would be easier just to join his office. Now Blondie spends her days fighting on the side of goodness and light, haggling over settlements of accident claims.


Sovanna has been with the office since 2010.  She has quickly developed into the most versatile and most effective legal assistant we have ever had. Although her primary responsibility involves helping to prepare motor vehicle accident and other personal injury files for settlement, she also assists  Attorney Haskell with bankruptcy and immigration files where her extraordinary linguistic abilities are necessary.  Sovanna speaks Cambodian, Thai, Mandarin Chinese and Lao.

Firm Overview

At the Law Office of Louis Haskell, we are a full-service, general-practicing law office.  In addition to personal injury claims such as car accidents, dog bites, slip and falls, fire and burn cases, etc., we also handle immigration, bankruptcy, estate planning, tax matters, wills, trusts, businesses incorporation, prenuptial agreement, and a whole line of other legal issues. 


The Law Office of Louis S. Haskell started receiving clients in 1988 and has provided excellent service ever since. According to the insurance companies, Attorney Haskell has become one of the largest automobile accident lawyers in the state in Massachusetts. Over the years, we have been able to provide our clients with service of such high quality that we have been able to place literally millions upon millions of dollars into the pockets of our clients. Even after paying all medical bills, wage losses, property damage and attorney’s fees, the clients are still walking away with significant sums of money. To us, this is the only appropriate measure of success.

Our team prides itself on its professional, yet personal, touch with clients, while having the toughness with insurance companies and defense lawyers to be able to secure large rapid settlements. We bring that professionalism and aggressiveness to all areas of personal injury practice including automobile, truck, and motorcycle accidents, wrongful death, slip and fall, fire and burn cases, bug bites, and criminal.

What is more, Attorney Haskell has engaged in the practice of bankruptcy law since 1988 and appears to be among the largest consumer bankruptcy practitioners in the Merrimack Valley and the largest in the city of Lowell. We have discharged millions upon millions of dollars in debt and saved dozens of homes from imminent foreclosure. 

The Lawyers of the Law Office of Louis S. Haskell are experienced trial attorneys. We have fought and fought hard in courts all over the Commonwealth for our clients, as well as in New Hampshire. We are successfully bringing our trial and litigation skills into other areas of the law, such as business disputes, employment discrimination, criminal law, and divorce law. We have found that our hard-charging and aggressive tactics which have been so successful in automobile accident litigation are easily transferable to all areas of trial practice.

We have Khmer, Thai, Lao, Mandarin, Japanese, and Spanish translators

Committed To Helping Our Clients Succeed

Providing legal solutions to massachusetts



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