
Business Representation

As part of the tax practice, Attorney Haskell sits with business people to do their taxes. During these conversations, any number of issues emerge. Many of these business people, although very good at what they do, are not so good about bookkeeping. As such, Attorney Haskell has added bookkeeping services to the practice to assist these people. In addition, in the course of doing their taxes and bookkeeping, it has become common for Attorney Haskell to back office a lot of these businesses and providing a full line of administrative and record keeping services. On top of that, as Attorney Haskell has gotten more deeply involved in these businesses, he has assisted in a range of other issues such as: helping to secure financing, negotiating contracts and other agreements, helping the business to find the correct corporate form or incorporating new entities for those businesses which are expanding as well as providing services in Attorney Haskell’s more traditional civil litigation area.

The business representation practice has become a relationship practice the way that business law was practiced thirty years ago. It begins with Attorney becoming familiar with the most private aspect of the business, the money, when he prepares taxes, and builds the relationship out from there. As he becomes increasingly familiar with the business person and the business itself, it is only natural that Attorney Haskell is called upon to provide more and more back office and legal services.

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